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  • Why hire a college consultant?
    The benefits of working with a college consultant include: * personalized support * first-hand knowledge of a wide variety of university campuses * professional insight into the application process and admission trends * impartial advice with emphasis on academic, social, and financial fit, including merit and financial aid * reduced anxiety and stress for families and students As a member of the IECA and NEACAC, Sharon adheres to best practices in the industry and attends regional and national workshops and conferences to stay up-to-date on changes in the field. She also tours over 20 college campuses each year to continuously expand her professional knowledge and better serve her clients.
  • How much do you charge?
    We offer a comprehensive flat-fee package as well as certain consultations at an hourly rate. Gateway Educational Consulting is committed to working with you to find the most cost-effective solution for your needs.
  • When is the best time to get started on college planning?
    We work with students as early as 8th and 9th grade, helping them choose their high school courses, extra-curricular activities, and summer programs. It's also a good idea to get an early start on strategies for financing the high cost of college. In sophomore year we begin planning for standardized testing and exploring potential majors and careers. The bulk of our work in junior year involves crafting and revising the student's college list. The summer after junior year we start working on an application strategy (where to apply and whether to apply early decision or early action) as well as essays, and that process continues through the fall of senior year. We'll work with you whether you begin college planning in 8th or 12th grade, or anywhere in between, but we believe that starting earlier makes the process less stressful as you have more time to consider a variety of options.
  • What if my child has no idea what to study?
    We help students explore majors and careers by administering a series of assessments to determine their interests and skill set. These evaluations yield very thorough reports, which we then use to research various majors and careers through academic programs, internships, and job shadowing opportunities.
  • Do you work with students applying to universities outside the U.S.?
    Yes! With the high cost of college in the U.S., more and more students are looking for cheaper options abroad. We have successfully guided many students through the college application process in the U.K., Ireland, and Canada. We'll be happy to work with you to explore options for earning your degree abroad.
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